Year 3-5
Training 4.00 pm – 5.00 pm Tuesdays (from 19th March)
On the NEW hockey training turf, Gloucester Park, Margaret River
This time is for both 3-5 teams and the Hookin2Hockey participants ( Hookin2Hockey programme runs for 8 weeks).
What you need
hockey stick, shin pads, mouth guard, sport shoes
water bottle (nearest water fountain is available at the soccer pavilion).
MRHC have hockey sticks, you can borrow before you buy!
Teams will have a maximum of 10 players (mixed boys and girls) and games will be played with 7/side
The Year 3 – 5 age group play a smaller format half-field game
Are (usually) Saturday mornings at 11.00 am for 1 hour played on grass.
All players get the opportunity to play all positions on the field
A few turf games will be will scheduled, these may be at a different time.
Please wear appropriate sports trainer footwear.
Games are umpired by “green shirt” trainees and mentor. Please be patient!
Season runs from late April to mid September – usually no training / games during school holidays.
Carpooling – consider sharing your contact details with other parents (for Saturday games travel) Discuss with your Team Manager.
MRHC will register teams in the Busselton Hockey Association competition, pending numbers
What to wear
MRHC provide a team shirt
player needs black shorts or sports skort or skirt
and Club socks, which can be purchased from our online store
Spare socks – Consider packing a spare pair of socks for team mates that may have forgotten theirs :0)
Pitch layout for Yr 3-5 games at Busselton Hockey Stadium
(to be confirmed)
Team Magic
Team Lightningg
(to be confirmed)
Team Magic
Team Lightning
3-5s Coordinator (BHA)
Jeraldene Lindburg